Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Purpose of this blog?

Now that we're officially in "blogging season" it seems worth reflecting on what I'm seeking to achieve here. We have our Tutor Group conference for discussion of issues arising from the course. We also have databases where we can upload our work for certain activities, in order to share it with fellow students. Some of our activities we probably shouldn't be posting on a publicly available site such as this one, if we're hoping to use them in an unchanged form for our end of course portfolio. What does that leave?

It could be a study journal, recording my reflections on the course.
It could be a place to publish notes on issues arising in the course.

This post comes under the first heading; most recent posts come under the second. I suspect it's the second use that will work best for me. I find it very helpful to put my reading into a fit state for blogging. Note-taking on the computer is a skill my first OU course taught me; polishing those notes for a small potential audience of peers gives me a little more discipline. It also protects them from fire, theft & lightning stike :-)


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