Sunday, April 09, 2006

Non-dependent learning

I'm using that term intentionally, in contradistinction to "independent learning", which could be a private & solitary affair. "Non-dependent learning" (I made it up) is simply learning that people get on with, without waiting for somebody to come along & hold their hand & tell them what to do.

I've read statements like this before:

"Instruction can foster a dependency relationship, in which the learner waits for instruction rather than takes charge of their own learning agenda. Effectively, this presents a barrier to self-directed learning."

(CIPD Report: How People Learn, p. 10)

I've probably even written them, during casual discussions of didactic versus constructivist approaches to learning.

But old habits die hard, & I found myself feeling adrift during the first module of H806 because I was waiting for somebody to tell me what to do. How silly is that? I'm going to be more grown-up in Module 2.


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